Register for Bright Run

Congratulations to breast cancer survivor and BRIGHT Run volunteer Khalilah Elliot, her husband Jason and their kids Jasmin and Kalan on the opening of their Big Smoke Burger on Lynden Road in Brantford.

And a big Thank You from the BRIGHT Run because Khalilah and her family have decided to donate $1 to the BRIGHT Run from each $5 special burger sold on opening day. A cheque presentation will take place in the spring.

Khalilah, a two-year survivor, said she wants to give back after being treated so well at the Juravinski Cancer Centre.

“I was really impressed with the care I received from everyone during my treatment,” she said. “I received all my treatment at the JCC and I had a wonderful team, from the chemo nurses to the doctors.”

The Dec. 4 opening was attended by a range of family members, representatives from the Oakville-based Big Smoke parent company, Brantford Ward 4 councillor Richard Carpenter and representatives of the local Chamber of Commerce.

Judging by the number of folks waiting outside for the first burgers off the grill, Khalilah and Jason, a chef for 15 years, are likely to make a great success of their first restaurant. And the Swiss burger tasted mighty fine!