Register for Bright Run

BRIGHT Run wouldn’t exist without volunteers. Their blue shirts make them particularly noticeable on event day, but many give their time year-round to help make event day happen. 

This year, we have several volunteers who have stepped up to join the committees that oversee different areas of BRIGHT Run. Over the next few months, we’ll be introducing you to these terrific people who make things happen! 

Meet Deen Thind, a Grade 12 student at Hillfield Strathallan College who has a long history with the BRIGHT Run. As well as his involvement in BRIGHT Run, he is a volunteer at Macassa Lodge in Hamilton and a former youth swim instructor in Dundas. 

When and how did you get involved in the BRIGHT Run? 

I attended the very first event with my family, largely through my mother who is an oncologist, as well as to support the two breast cancer survivors in my family (aunt and grandmother). My volunteer involvement started in middle school as an annual volunteer on event day. 

Do you have any personal/family connections to breast cancer? 

My mother is an oncologist who treats breast cancer patients, my aunt is a nurse and a breast cancer survivor and my grandmother is also a survivor. 

What are your feelings about the BRIGHT Run? 

Through my 15+ years of involvement with the event, I’ve had the opportunity to grow up alongside its scope and impact. Whether it be fundraising through garage sales and lemonade stands as a child, or volunteering during my adolescent years, the event and cause has never failed to captivate me.  

I’m proud to be involved in a meaningful capacity within the event, and look forward to contributing in the future as I progress through my career. 

Which committee have you joined and why? 

I have joined the Advertising, Marketing and Communications committee, chaired by Steve Ewoniak. I am a business major heading into university, so I’m potentially interested in pursuing a career in the marketing field. 

Having done social media work for the BRIGHT Run during the last year (build up to in-person return), this committee is a natural fit for me.  It also allows me to offer a younger perspective to the committee. 

I’m grateful for the chance to work with industry professionals before I head to university and start a career in business. 

How would you describe your BRIGHT Run experience to people 

considering volunteering with BRIGHT Run? 

Throughout my time as a volunteer, I’ve recognized that the energy surrounding the event gave me a palpable sense of belonging and hope in the fight against breast cancer. Due to my familial connections with the cause, this has been extremely fulfilling, so I’d recommend volunteering to anyone considering it.