Volunteers Step Up! 

You know them by their blue shirts on event day, but many give their time year-round to help make BRIGHT happen. This year, several volunteers have stepped up to join the committees that oversee different areas of BRIGHT Run. 

This month, meet Cornelia Schupp-Fitzpatrick, who has worked in the childcare field for more than 30 years. She received her ECE credentials from St. Lawrence and her BA from York University. Cornelia and her husband John got involved in BRIGHT – first as participants, then as volunteers – in 2008, the year after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. 

John is living with dementia and residing in a long term care facility, where Cornelia is involved with the Family Council and Quality Committee. 

Cornelia has joined the Volunteer Committee, chaired by Aryn Sousa-Moreton. 

When and how did you get involved in the BRIGHT Run? 

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2007. I had my treatment in 2007 and 2008, the first year of the BRIGHT Run.  I remember seeing advertisements for the event in the Juravinski Lobby.   My husband and I participated in the walk for the first few years.  We decided to volunteer after that. I have been volunteering ever since. 

What are your feelings about the BRIGHT Run? 

I appreciate the fact that all the money raised is used for research.  There are no executives benefiting from the donations.  I also like that there is not a great financial expenditure necessary for an individual to participate as some other walks are requiring. 

The day of the BRIGHT Run is always full of positive energy! 

Which committee have you joined and why? 

I was asked to join the volunteer committee and since I have been volunteering for a few years now and wanted to help out more, I decided to join. 

How would you describe your BRIGHT Run experience to people considering volunteering with BRIGHT Run? 

Volunteering with the BRIGHT Run is a positive experience. My husband and I actually looked forward to our volunteer shifts.  We always felt appreciated and respected whenever we volunteered. The volunteer committee, and especially Event Chair Nancy McMillan, makes everyone feel valued. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities that can suit various skills.