Register for Bright Run

What was the highlight of your day at BRIGHT Run 2024, or your favourite thing at the event? 

It’s hard to pinpoint one favourite thing or a highlight of the day. I was pulled in a few directions this year (on stage, on camera, MOM duties) so there were a few different notable moments that elicited emotions! The atmosphere arriving on site was so exciting – the music, the people, the PINK! Seeing old friends, new friends, and family come out to support their people was amazing. Witnessing all of the teams and participants gathering for the speeches had me a little awestruck. Seeing everyone out on the trails rallying together was great – it was our first year being able to walk as an entire family. 

Perhaps the best part of it all is how excited my boys were for “RACE DAY” – they now know what the event is about and were so excited for the day, to wear their pink shirts, to watch their mom on stage, and to be a part of something amazing. They’re still proudly wearing their medals around the house and keep talking about how fun race day was. We already can’t wait for next year! 

  • Carissa Smith, 2024 Survivor Spokesperson, captain of BRIGHT team Carissa’s Crew