From Mark Levine, the Doc with Pink Tights
We just celebrated BRIGHT Run #13. To be honest, I had my doubts about whether people would go for the virtual format and whether our financial target could be achieved.
When September arrived, I checked the thermometer on the BRIGHT Run web page every day. I was sure that $300,000 was impossible.
But I was wrong. When Dr. Ralph Meyer and Nancy McMillan announced $323,000, my reaction was: “We hit it out of the park!”
When I reflect on this accomplishment, I immediately think about the dedication and passion of the BRIGHT Run executive (Nancy McMillan, Kathie Ward, Lee Prokaska, David Balsdon and the rest of the team) who worked so hard to make this happen. They spent hundreds of hours paying attention to every last detail. I stand in awe of their accomplishment.
On BRIGHT Run Saturday morning, I got up and put on my BRIGHT T-shirt and pink tights. Then my wife and I tuned in to the event on our computer.
I have to admit I did not have the butterflies in my stomach that I usually have before each BRIGHT Run event. Also, I missed the usual rush and worry of being late for the opening ceremonies at the Trail Centre.
When it was time to do the walk, we went to the Triple A Grounds behind Ryerson School and met my son and his family. We walked around the track as a family. It was a great day!