Register for Bright Run

Diana Beckley admits she missed the crowds, the entertainment and the excitement of the BRIGHT Run when the 2020 event went virtual.

But the captain of Beckley’s Family and Friends found other ways to make the team’s fifth BRIGHT Run an interesting experience.

“Only two of us actually went on a walk,” said Diana, who was diagnosed with Stage 4 Her2-positive breast cancer in November 2015.

“We decided to make a video using the theme song from Rocky, travelling to different spots to replicate as much as we could to fit the movie scenes.”

She and team mate Michelle Lee donned their BRIGHT Run gear and romped around the city to create the Facebook video, much to the delight of family and friends.

And Diana, who maintains she’s “not very good with computers,” figured out how to hold online raffles in place of the annual fundraising dance the team has hosted in the past.

“We are learning and doing better this year,” Diana said of her online raffles. “I have learned that they are a lot easier than hosting a dance!”

She has had great feedback from friends and family regarding the online raffles, which she thinks provides some worthwhile distraction during COVID lockdown.

“I’m going to take a poll soon and find out how many people prefer the dance to the raffles,” she said. “That should be interesting.”

Since its inception, Beckley’s Family and Friends has raised more than $18,000 through garage sales, bake sales, the dances and, these days, online events.