Register for Bright Run

Retired banking professional Sandy Murphy is a long-time member of the BRIGHT Run community, as a volunteer and a participant. 

She’s super excited about BRIGHT’s new home at Christie Lake Conservation Area. 

“BRIGHT Run had a record number of teams in 2022 and broke fundraising records as well,” Sandy said. “At our new venue, we’ll have more room for even more teams, so let’s keep the momentum going!” 

Throughout the year, Sandy is a member of the Teams, Registration and Fundraising committee, chaired by Michele Cardoso. She is also a member of BRIGHT team McMillan’s Madcaps, and you’re sure to see her if you visit the silent auction on event day. 

“I always have fun volunteering at the silent auction tent and I had my best moment ever at BRIGHT 2022, when a young boy was the successful bidder on an item,” she said. “His smile gave me goosebumps and warmed my heart.” 

Sandy was thrilled to return to an in-person event after two years of virtual BRIGHT. 

“Covid-19 may have kept us apart for two years but it couldn’t keep us from fundraising.  We did amazing!” she said. “And when we were able to go live in September 2022, we blew the roof off. Not only did we break the record for participants, we raised record dollars!” 

Event day 2022 was “electric” for Sandy. 

“Seeing the steady stream of participants, friends reuniting, the hugs, the smiles, the tears – it was overwhelming,” she said. “A highlight for me was the opportunity to walk with my lifelong friend who is a breast cancer thriver. I’m so proud of her!” 

“She received excellent care at JCC and I am pleased to say she is cancer free,” Sandy concluded. 

And what about BRIGHT 2023? 

“I can’t wait,” Sandy said. “Christie Lake will be a wonderful new home for BRIGHT. See you all on Sept. 9!”