Register for Bright Run

Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless. 

            — Sherry Anderson, author 

It’s impossible to over-state the importance of our BRIGHT Run volunteers. Simply put, the event could not – and would not – happen without them. 

The sustained efforts of our dedicated volunteers are also a large part of making it possible for every single dollar raised by participants to go to local breast cancer research. 

On event day 2022, more than 250 volunteers were on site to make the event run as smoothly as possible. You likely had contact with most of them from the moment you arrived at the Dundas Valley Conservation Area. 

They were the ones who directed you into parking lots, accompanied you on the shuttles, drove golf carts to get you up that hill if you couldn’t do it by yourself. 

They staffed the registration area and handed out T-shirts. They handed out water and snacks. They took care of first-aid needs and entertained the children. They cheered you on, rang bells, waved signs and put medals around your necks. 

Some of those volunteers were experiencing their first BRIGHT Run, but many have been involved for years. And folks came back in 2022, despite the fact that two years of virtual BRIGHT exponentially reduced the need for on-site volunteers. 

Then there are the volunteers who participate year-round. Fewer in number and perhaps not so visible, they toil pretty much 12 months each year getting ready for event day.  

Let’s start with our executive committee. They meet at least monthly, making plans, discussing new ideas and opportunities, lining up community partners and volunteers, producing a monthly eNewsletter and looking for new ways to spread the word about local breast cancer fundraising and research. 

Your BRIGHT Run executive committee: (in alphabetical order) 

David Balsdon, Michele Cardoso, Bindi Dhesy, Steve Ewoniak, Mark Levine, Michele Mandryk, Nancy McMillan, Lee Prokaska, Lisa Rudd-Scott, Aryn Sousa-Moreton, Kathie Ward. 

BRIGHT Run also has five sub-committees that operate year round: Advertising, Marketing and Communications, Community Partners, Event Day, Teams, Registration and Fundraising, and Volunteers. 

The sub-committees are chaired by executive members, but they can’t do it alone. Among our year-round subcommittee volunteers are: Michelle Allen, Laurie Bennett, Gloria Billeci, Anne Cahill, Chris Gravelle, Sandy Murphy, Amber Ripa, and Donna Stampone. 

It would be difficult to put a dollar value on all the work that’s done by BRIGHT volunteers. They truly are priceless. We can’t thank them enough.