Team information

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African proverb

Welcome to our TEAMS page, a place for teams to celebrate success, and share fundraising ideas. 

Early registration means a head start on your 2025 fundraising. Register now and sign up your team.

If you experience any difficulties with the registration process, joining a team, creating a team or registering friends and family, please contact 

If you are holding an event in the community and need a letter of support and introduction, please email your request with details to

Click here to see a sample letter.

Team Fundraising Info and Ideas

A great way to raise additional money for your team is to get everyone involved by setting a goal and coming up with creative and fun ways to reach that goal! There are lots of ideas for team fundraisers including:

Special events
Holding a social or special event where all team members can invite their friends and family is a very popular way for teams to fundraise. There are many ideas including, block parties, murder mysteries, game or trivia nights and silent auctions.

Sporting tournaments
Holding sporting tournaments such as hockey, baseball, bowling, golf or even virtual video game tournaments are a fun and active way for people to raise money and get involved.

Matching gifts
Team members should inquire with their employer to see if the company will match the dollars raised by their team.

Online Fundraising

  • Fundraising online is a quick and convenient way to reach out to your supporters, family and friends.
  • Customizing your own personal page and your teams page will ensure your personal BRIGHT Run message and reason for participating is there for everyone to see.
  • A personal message results in more connections, greater awareness and increased donations for BRIGHT Run.
  • Online fundraising tools are also available which connect directly with social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.

In-Person Fundraising

  • Fundraising in person by collecting donations is another way to reach your goal.
  • BRIGHT RUN pledge forms can be downloaded and printed to keep track of your donations.
  • In order for a donation to be receipted we require full contact information with name and address clearly printed on the pledge form.
  • Your name and team name (if applicable) should also be clear on the pledge form.

If you have completed pledge forms and cash/cheques to submit to BRIGHT Run, please email with the subject line “Donations” and our volunteers will coordinate their collection.

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