Register for Bright Run

So it’s really summer. And the BRIGHT Run is really getting closer!

This month, we’re thrilled to introduce our 2021 survivor spokesperson, Juliet Daniel. Not only is she a breast cancer survivor, but she is also a breast cancer researcher who has benefited from BRIGHT funding.

Did you know many employers will match the fundraising efforts of their employees? Read about it and find out if your workplace will increase your fundraising.

Take a look at how one BRIGHT team celebrated BRIGHT 2020 – you might get some cool ideas for your own BRIGHT 2021 event.

Mark Levine, our doc with the pink tights, attended a virtual conference last month and reports some of the fascinating studies that were presented.

Check out some virtual fundraising ideas that work, mark your calendars for a couple of events coming soon, welcome our newly registered teams and check out our BRIGHT playlist!

And most of all, stay safe and enjoy the summer weather!